30 Sept 2010

First Assignment - Objects and People

This assignment required 5 images to be captured at different ISO settings. The camera had to be set to manual exposure and focus. Only ambient light could be used, no flash. The final image had to be in a 'square' format.

"Chocolate Fingers"
ISO 100, Speed 3s, Aperture F5.6

Taken indoors under room lights hence the sharp shadows. I chose ISO 100 for this image to give the clearest picture for a relatively long exposure time.

"Mobile Phone Box"
ISO 200, Speed 1/320s, Aperture F4.0

Because the ambient light was poor and the sky was a flat grey, I tried not to over expose the image so that the pale telephone box did not blend into the background. The focal point is the girl holding the phone.

"Driving Rain"
ISO 400, Speed 1/50s, Aperture F4.0

I used ISO 400 here to keep the shutter speed reasonably fast for the light conditions. I wanted to have a shallow depth of field, the steering wheel being the focal point and the object of exposure. The skin detail is slightly over-exposed, but alone with the person being on the periphery this helps to focus the viewer to the wheel.

"Head For Rugby"
ISO 800, Speed 1/320s, Aperture F5.0

I used a high ISO because the ambient light was poor and the person had to hold the ball steady, so I wanted to keep the shutter speed up while using a large aperture to reduce the depth of field, making the ball the focal point of the image.

ISO 1600, Speed 1/100s, Aperture F5.3

The ISO 1600 speed was used to give an 'eerie', grainy feel to the image. A fast shutter speed freezes the flame.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    A nice set of concise images to brief, and it shows me not only your style but your technical control.
    Even though you are doing a level 3 I think you still need to do this as it is a valuable exercise.
    Can you expand on what kit you have and any limitations of kit.

